The North Queensland Western Performance Horse Club is based in North Queensland.
The Objects of our club are:
- To promote and show western horse breeds in a “benefits to
members” club.
- To encourage youth to enjoy riding, showing and to provide
instruction in controlled riding and proper care of their
We also provide a meeting place for all western breed
enthusiasts to get together and share news and information, to
learn and to compete in a safe and fun environment.
We are one of the only Western Performance Club in Far North
Queensland that is proudly affiliated with the Horse Show
Association of Australia (HSAA).
Our shows are designed for all western breeds
to compete and Quarter Horse, Paints, Appaloosa etc. riders are still
able to submit their points earned at our shows to their
respective breed associations.
Our shows have Paint Horse, Paint Bred, Quarter Horse, Appaloosa,
Australian Stock Horse, any other
registered breed and unregistered horses halter classes.
Whether you wish to halter your horses or compete in ridden
events in both English and Western disciplines, everyone is
catered for from the very experienced and competitive through to
youth, amateurs and novices.
The NQWPHC runs several shows and clinics per year and we
encourage members to help decide whom they would like us to
Our major event each year is the "Lope & Hope for A Cure" A
class which is held in August/September each year to help raise funds for
Breast and Gynaecology Cancer research and is a registered "Pink
Fundraiser" with the QLD Cancer Council.
If you wish to become a member of this exciting club,
please do not hesitate to contact our secretary via